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What part of your body would be changed by getting rhinoplasty?

The Nose

A 'Nose Job'

Cholecystectomy is the name for the medical removal of what body part?


Who discovered penicillin in 1928?

Alexander Fleming

Tags: Inventions, Discoveries,

Insulin is commonly used to treat which condition?


What is the correct scientific name for laughing gas?

Nitrous Oxide

Tags: AKA,

Introduced by Edward Jenner In 1796, what was the first successful vaccine to be developed?


Tags: Discoveries,

Which oath of ethics taken by doctors is named after an Ancient Greek physician?

Hippocratic Oath

What was the occupation of the Greek scientist Galen, whose work was at the forefront of thinking in his field for over 1000 years?

A physician (doctor)

In 2013, Mark Cahill became the ?rst Briton to undergo which pioneering medical operation?

A hand transplant

Tags: Human Body,

In which decade was the world's first successful heart transplant carried out?


Tags: Human Body,
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