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What unit of length is equal to around 5.8 trillion miles?

Light Year

What was the name of the dog the Russians launched into space in 1957 inside Sputnik 2?


Which scientist was charged with heresy in 1633 for his view that the earth orbits the sun?

Galileo Galilei

Tags: Solar System,

Which planet in our solar system spins the fastest?

Jupiter - Rotates once every 10 hours approximately

Tags: Solar System,

In which Year Was The Orbiting Hubble Telescope Launched?

  • 1990
  • 1991
  • 1992


What is the largest moon of Saturn called?


Where would you find the 'ocean of storms'?

On the moon

How many planets in our solar system are not named after a Roman god or goddess?

1 - Earth

Tags: Solar System,

An Astronomical Unit is defined as the mean distance between the centres of which 2 objects?

Earth and Sun

Tags: Solar System,

What planet in our solar system has the strongest gravity?


Tags: Solar System,

Which 'C' is the outermost part of the Sun's atmosphere and is only visible with the naked eye during a solar eclipse?


True or false, Jupiter has over 70 moons?


It has between 80 and 95 by current counts

How many moons does the planet Venus have?


In which year did Yuri Gagarin become the first human to travel into space?


April 12th, 1961

How many times does the International Space Station see the sun rise each day?

  • 16
  • 20
  • 24


Which planet in our solar system has the highest density?


Tags: Solar System,

True or False - The mass of the planet Jupiter is about 2.5 times the combined mass of all the other planets in the solar system combined?


Tags: Solar System,

Which planet in the night sky is brightest, as seen from Earth?


Tags: Solar System,

In which year was Halley's Comet last visible from Earth?

  • 1986
  • 1987
  • or 1988


What was the name of the first spacecraft to reach the surface of the moon?

Luna 2

(also known as Lunik 2) in 1959 - Apollo 11 was in 1969 and was the first manned mission

Tags: Solar System,

In the Apollo 11 moon mission, who was the astronaut that that stayed in the command module and therefore did not get to walk on the moon's surface?

Michael Collins

What was the name of the spacecraft in which Yuri Gagarin became the first human to journey into outer space?


In 1954, Ann Hodges from Oak Grove, Alabama, became the first person in recorded history to be struck by what?

A meteorite

What are the names of Mars two moons?

Phobos or Deimos

Tags: Solar System,

The Mars Climate Orbiter Probe was lost in September 1999 upon arrival at Mars. What was the famous reason given for this?

The software and hardware were designed using different units of measurement (pound-force seconds vs newton seconds)

How many million miles away is the sun from the Earth?

93 million miles (avg)

Tags: Solar System,

Roughly how long does it take for the sun's light to reach Earth?

  • 8 Seconds
  • 8 Minutes
  • 8 Hours
  • 8 Days

8 minutes

What was the name of the first man-made satellite launched by the Soviet Union in 1957?

Sputnik 1

Which Apollo moon mission was the first to carry a lunar rover?

Apollo 15

Which two planets in the solar system lack moons?

Mercury and Venus

Tags: Solar System,