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Encephalitis refers to an inflammation in which part of the body?

The Brain

Tags: Human Body,

In medical terms, Pulmonary refers to which part of the body?


Tags: Human Body,

What blood type would you need to be a universal donor?

O Negative

Tags: Human Body,

Borborygmus is the medical term for what bodily function or condition?

Stomach rumbling

Tags: Human Body,

What, in the human body, is affected by the disorders known as Thalassemias?


Thalassemias cause abnormal hemoglobin production, a common symptom is Anemia.

Tags: Human Body,

Tuberculosis affects which part of the body?

The Lungs

Tags: Human Body,

Which Gland in the human body regulates metabolism?


Tags: Human Body,

What hormone does the pancreas produce?


Tags: Human Body,

In the human body what is the hallux more commonly known as?

Big toe

Tags: Human Body,

How many pairs of chromosomes do humans have?


Tags: Human Body,

In which two parts of the body would you find 'phalanges'?

Hands and feet

Toe and finger bones

Tags: Human Body,

What is the more common name for the clavicle?


Tags: Human Body,

How many chambers does the human heart have?


Tags: Human Body,

Where in the human body would the limbic system be found?

The Brain

Tags: Human Body,

Where in the human body are the 'ossicles'?

In the ear

the three bones in the middle ear, more commonly known as the hammer, anvil and stirrup.

Tags: Human Body,

Where in the human body would you find the Scalene muscles?

The Neck

Tags: Human Body,

The adult human body is made up of how many bones?


Baby's have about 300

Tags: Human Body,

What is the largest artery in the human body?

The Aorta

Tags: Human Body,

Where in the human body are the metatarsal bones found?

The Foot

Tags: Human Body,

Which is the longest bone in the human body?


Tags: Human Body,

How is a 'myocardial infarction' more commonly known?

Heart attack

Tags: Human Body,

How many vertebrae does the average human possess?


Tags: Human Body,

How many teeth does an adult human have?


Tags: Human Body,

Someone with anosmia is lacking what?

A sense of smell

Tags: Human Body,

What are the four types of tooth in a human mouth?

Incisor, canine, molar, premolar

Tags: Human Body,

What is the longest (and widest) nerve in the human body, running from the lower back through the buttock into the legs?

Sciatic nerve

Tags: Human Body,

What is the most common blood type worldwide?

O Positive

Tags: Human Body,

Which side of the brain would be mostly used to evaluate whether a new wardrobe fits into the space available in a bedroom?

Right side

Tags: Human Body,

An absence of the SRY gene means what for a human being?

It means the human is a female

the presence of the sex-determining region Y gene is the specific factor which leads to maleness in mammals

Tags: Human Body,

Which component of the limbic system processes human emotions and memories?


Tags: Human Body,