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In which year did the following events happen: Fiji became a republic after splitting from the UK; The Simpsons first appeared on TV; A Cessna plane landed next to Red Square and the Kremlin, flown by teenager Mathias Rust from Finland to create an imaginary bridge to the East, and that his flight was intended to reduce tension and suspicion between the two Cold War sides. (He was sentenced to four years in a general-regime labour camp for hooliganism, for disregard of aviation laws, and for breaching the Soviet border.); Ronald Reagan called for Gorbachev to 'Tear Down This Wall'.


Which colour is missing from this James Ellroy book title - The ___ Dahlia?


Who was the first woman to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame?

Aretha Franklin

Tags: Hall of Fame,

According to Gloria Estefans 1987 hit, what is gonna get you?

The rhythm

Now associated with rickrolling, which 1987 Rick Astley song became number one in 25 countries?

Never Gonna Give You Up

Which U2 album became the fastest-selling album in British history at the time, once released in 1987?

The Joshua Tree

Tags: Musical Records,

Which jazz-funk saxophonist had a hit in 1987 with 'Songbird'?

Kenny G

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