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By what name is N-acetyl-S-methoxy tryptamine better known?


Tags: Human Body,

Carrots are good for your eyesight: true or false?


Carrots are a source of retinal, which help the light absorb light energy, carrots won't make eyesight sharper but it will improve the ocular health

Tags: Human Body,

Broca's area in the human brain is responsible for which function?

Speech and articulation

Tags: Human Body,

How many human chromosomes are there?

Forty-six (labelled A-G and then X and Y)

23 pairs of chromosomes

Tags: Human Body,

The stirrup, the smallest bone in humans, is found in which part of the body?

The ear

Tags: Human Body,

In 2013, Mark Cahill became the ?rst Briton to undergo which pioneering medical operation?

A hand transplant

Tags: Human Body,

True or false - more than a quarter of the bones in the human body are in the hands?


Tags: Human Body,

In which decade was the world's first successful heart transplant carried out?


Tags: Human Body,

Rickets is caused by a deficiency of which vitamin?

Vitamin D

Tags: Human Body,

Which two bones make up the lower arm, between the elbow and wrist?

Ulna and radius

Tags: Human Body,

What are the three types of muscles?

Skeletal, cardiac and smooth

Tags: Human Body,

What is the fluid that protects joints, as most joints are comprised of two imperfectly connected bones?

Syvnovia or syvnovial fluid

Tags: Human Body,

Where is the muscle called the trapezius found?

Base of the skull

Tags: Human Body,

What are the three types of vertebrae?

Cervical, thoracic and lumbar

Tags: Human Body,

What are the small bones found in both the feet and the hands?


Tags: Human Body,

Where in the body are the corticosteroids that provide the body's natural anti-inflammatories produced?

Adrenal cortex

Tags: Human Body,

What would an Ishihara test hope to establish?

The degree of colour-blindness in the subject

Tags: Human Body,

In what part of the body are the human vocal chords found?


Tags: Human Body,

What part of the body has a protective layer called the sclera?

The eye

it is the opaque, milky fluid which protects the sensitive working parts

Tags: Human Body,

What could a woman not do without a Fallopian tube?

Give birth

the tube carries the egg from the ovary to the uterus

Tags: Human Body,

What is the fluid that surrounds, bathes and nutrifies cells in the body? And what carries excess of it around the body and feeds it back into the blood supply?

Interstitial fluid; the lymphatic system

Tags: Human Body,

What is the term applied when an organ protrudes through the protective cavity around it, often causing discomfort or pain?


Tags: Human Body,

What part of the body has four parts: ascending, descending, transverse and sigmoid?


Tags: Human Body,