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What name is given for the number of protons found in the nucleus of an atom?

Atomic number

Tags: Periodic Table,

On the periodic table, what symbol stands for silver?


Tags: Periodic Table,

What, after oxygen, is the second most common component of the earth's crust?


7 elements on the period table begin with the letter B. Name as many as you can.

Barium, Berkelium, Beryllium, Bismuth, Bohrium, Boron, Bromine

Tags: Periodic Table,

4 chemical elements begin with the letter I. Name them.

Indium, Iodine, Iridium, and Iron

Tags: Periodic Table,

Which European capital city is contained in the common name for calcium sulphate hemihydrate?


Tags: AKA,

The chemical symbol Y denotes which uncommon metal?


Tags: Periodic Table,

Zn is the symbol of which chemical element?


Tags: Periodic Table,

Which English chemist discovered the most elements?

Humphry Davy

Tags: Periodic Table,

Who discovered oxygen before Joseph Priestley and chlorine before Humphry Davy, but failed to publish and never got the credit?

Swedish scientist Karl Scheele

Tags: Periodic Table,

What was the primary objective of the alchemists of the middle ages, whose early experiments with metals and minerals were the forerunner of chemistry?

To find or create the Philosophers Stone

It used to be called quicksilver - by what name is this element now known?


Tags: AKA, Periodic Table,

What was first demonstrated in a Surrey quarry by scientist Arthur Nobel in 1867?


Galactose is one of the three main monosaccharides (simple sugars); what are the other two?

Glucose and fructose

What anomaly connects bromine and mercury?

They are the only elements to take liquid form at ambient temperature

Tags: Periodic Table,

'Nitrogen-fixing' converts nitrogen into which gas (chemical symbol NH3), useful for soil nutrition and food production?


Under the same temperature and pressure, all gases contain the same number of molecules; whose law? In which century did he postulate this?

Avogadro, nineteen century

Who developed, the ?rst commercial process for smelting pig iron to manufacture steel?

(Henry) Bessemer

Tags: Inventions,

Which acid is also known as aqua fortis?

Nitric Acid

Tags: AKA,

What is the most abundant metal in the ea earth's crust?


Folic acid, used in the body to promote cell division and create red blood cells, is part of which vitamin group?

Folic acid is B9