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Which four planets of the Solar System have rings?

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune

Tags: Solar System,

What was the name of the spaceship from which the final lunar landing took place and in which year was it?

Apollo 17 in 1972

What are Eagle, Intrepid, Antares, Falcon, Orion and Challenger?

The six lunar modules to carry astronauts to the moon's surface

What was the profession of Edwin Hubble in Pasadena in the 1920s?


he was based at the Mount Wilson Observatory and used the vast Hooker telescope to expand our knowledge of the universe

If the ozone layer were to lie upon the surface of the earth, approximately how thick would it be: 3 mm, 3 cm or 3 m?

Only 3 mm

Where, speci?cally, did the ?rst moon landing take place?

The Sea of Tranquility

The ?rst creature to be launched into space was called Laika. What type of animal was Laika?

A dog

Halley's comet is visible from earth every how many years?

73.3 years