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What was the full name given on Marilyn Monroe's birth certificate?

Norma Jean Mortenson

She was later baptised as Norma Jean Baker

Tags: AKA,

Which of these distances is the longest?

  • 1 mile
  • 100,000 cm
  • 2km or 2000 yards


if all others turned into miles - 100,000cm = 0.62miles, 2km= 1.24miles and 2000 yards= 1.14 miles

Whose gravestone carries the epitaph 'I told you I was ill.'?

Spike Milligan

In astrology, which 3 signs of the zodiac are known as 'air signs'?

Aquarius, Libra and Gemini

Tags: Zodiac,

Which US President was nicknamed 'Tricky Dick'?

Richard Nixon

Tags: US Presidents, Politics,

What has been the most common first name for an American First Lady?


Elizabeth Truman, Elizabeth Monroe and Elizabeth 'Betty' Ford

Which philosopher stated 'I think therefore I am'?


By what name was Charles I, the King of the Franks (who united most of Western Europe during the early Middle Ages) better known as?


Tags: AKA,

In which year did Elvis Presley die?


In computer terminology, what does the acronym RAM stand for?

Random Access Memory

In George Orwell's 'Animal Farm', what kind of creatures are Napoleon and Snowball?


Which letter of the alphabet is represented in Braille as a single raised dot in the upper left-hand corner of the cell?

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D


What Japanese word translates into English as 'harbor wave'?


In 1824, which country changed its name, having previously been known as New Holland?


Tags: AKA,

Whose non violent protests during the 1920s lead to the independence of their country from the British Empire?

Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi

Which leader of the Odawa native american tribe had the same name as an American car brand?

Chief Pontiac

he was the most prominent leader in a group of tribes at the time and the Pontiac war from 1763-1766 was named for him too.

What famous actor was born Krishna Bhanji?

Sir Ben Kingsley

Tags: AKA,

What was the name of the fictional land where the books of CS Lewis were set, which featured protagonists including the children Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy?


How many furlongs are there in a mile?


What does the acronym DMZ stand for?

Demilitarised Zone

Tags: Acronyms,

In 1997, Houston Intercontinental Airport was renamed to honour which former President of the USA?

George H W Bush

Tags: US Presidents, Politics,

What is Soceraphobia a fear of?


Tags: Phobias,

Which Olympics did the US boycott?


The Olympics were held in Moscow that year

Tags: Olympics,

What now world famous invention of chemist, John Pemberton, went on sale in 1886 advertised as an esteemed brain tonic and intellectual beverage?

Coca Cola

Originating from the internet, what does LOL stand for?

Laugh Out Loud

Tags: Acronyms,

Zorro is a famous swordsman, but his name is the name of an animal in Spanish - What is the animal?


Tags: Language,

In which long running American sitcom would you follow the exploits of the Dunphy Family?

Modern Family

Tags: Modern Family,

In which mainland European country is the time the same as it is in the United Kingdom?


Facebook was founded in which year?


Tags: Facebook,

Where would you find major and minor arcana?

In a deck of tarot cards