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Who is missing from this group: The Human Torch, Thing, Mr Fantastic, and...

The Invisible Woman

The Fantastic Four

Tags: MCU, Comicbook Movies, Missing,

Who was Dick Grayson the original sidekick for?


Tags: Sidekicks, Batman,

Who is Kato the sidekick for?

The Green Hornet (Britt Reid)

Tags: Sidekicks,

Which comic book hero provided a big break for Mexican director Guillermo del Toro in 2004? What was the subtitle of the follow-up, released in 2008?

Hellboy, Hellboy 2: The Golden Army

Tags: Comicbook Movies,

Who is Clark Kent better known as?


Tags: AKA,

How many live action solo Batman movies have there been (not including movies where he appears as a non-headlining character like Justice League or The Flash)?


Batman 66, Batman, Batman Returns, Batman Forever, Batman and Robin, Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight Rises, The Batman

Tags: Batman, Comicbook Movies,

What is the name of Batman's butler?

Alfred Pennyworth

Tags: Batman,

Which of the 'X-Men' characters was born James Howlett and is often known as Logan?
